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Sunday, March 26, 2006
shit i'm going to screw up my geog test tomorrow :(i freaking hate sundays. knowing that you have one whole week in front of you. mondays are the worst, seriously. oh yeah, went back school ytd for the science fair and class cheer and mascot. haha only huifang cherie ann aileen kristin julie jasmine & i turned up HOW PATHETIC. haha. i think jasmine's the funniest person ever. and huifang laughs like some mad person okay. yeah so anyway we painted the class mascot and we did the class cheer which was SO FREAKING FUNNY how retarded hahhaa. power rangers omg. i'm seriously going to fail all my tests this week i can't wait for it to be overrrrr. i havent started on amaths and emaths yet and i still have 5 pgs more to go for geog, plus all those handouts and notes. shit X 100000000 Friday, March 24, 2006
Look at the stars, Look how they shine for you, And all the things that you do. i hate ng soo ling. she's such a idiot, trying to act bigshot and all. and she wears like such damn tight clothes that you can see her pantyline and i'm not kidding okay. the other day she was like telling us to wear non-coloured bras or something like that. huhhhh what about you and your undies huh. anyway jasmine and aileen are so damn mean okay! they were laughing at my picture in the seating plan, so evilll! i know i looked retarded in sec one but so did everyone. hahahha. Thank god for nice people in the world like ann and claire. (: BTW I AM FAILING EVERYTHING. eng chi and emath. i can't believe i failed both of my languages. that's like how stupid? Tuesday, March 21, 2006
take a look at the ordinaryDont need to look at paradise You could be next to an angel in disguise hello(: haha i just heard the hollaback crew thing on 98.7 OMG SC'S INSIDEEE. okay i didnt even know. hahaha:D so anyway holidays were over on sunday. school started yesterday:( okay old news. haha. and my legs are aching like shit cus of the ten rounds yesterday haha i nearly failed okay. you know i can't believe it, se & sy had nil failures. ours had quite a few. hehe and I WOULD BE ONE OF THEM TOO IF YOU GUYS HADNT KEPT PULLING ME. HAHAH. THANKS MELISSA KRISTYN KAT CHARISSA FOR HELPING ME PASS(: and tiff & aileen for sprinting the last 100m with me(: i <3333333 you people:) so anyway. i'm supposed to complete my heymaths now. :( YOU KNOW I FEEL LIKE I WASTED MY HOLIDAYS:( 10 more weeks to june holidays. >:((((( But out on the street it starts to pour and before i get soaking wet, A total stranger runs to give me the jacket off his back I turn around to thank him But he waves me with a smile I can hardly believe my eyes He puts on a halo and starts to fly Friday, March 17, 2006
![]() I overthought So I locked up my heart yeah There you stood Your blue eyes hidden beneath your hood hello i'm so stupid i went to scratch my sandfly bite really hard and now the stupid thing's bleeding. hahaha. anyway, went back school AGAIN for freaking science fair, 4th time in this week. sucks man. hmmmmm watched amazing race ytd and i hate how dani and danielle and eric and jeremy flirt with each other okay. hurhur but i do think eric's quite cute, or wait, is it jeremy? haha. but they're so horny anyway, i hope they get out soon, like NEXT WEEK, DOUBLE ELIMINATION! hahahahha. oh i like bj and tyler! joseph and monica are okay too. bj and tyler are so funny. i think they're a lil bit like fred and george weasley cus they're a teeny bit retarded. hahah. and lake and michelle are really mean to each other. haha. lake(violently): read the instructions again! michelle: i'm going to punch you in the face. haahha. Wednesday, March 15, 2006
hi people(:went NUS in the morning to collect the science fair stuff from some person there, called ji liang hui. haha the labs there are so cool. oh check this out. mrs logan: where are you from? ji liang hui: huh? oh, i'm from the moon. HAHAHAHA. went to watch nanny mcphee today with devi and yee. its not really nice. but nanny mcphee's so sweet(: hahah. anyway i'd rate it like about 6 out of 10. oh and the popcorn at century cineplex makes me want to puke okay.. and seriously there was some puking smell there. and the aircon's so freaking lousy. i want to watch yours mine and ours. and cry wolf. ameican idol's so nice. HAHA, I ONLY KNEW TODAY THAT THERE'S A CONTESTANT CALLED KATHERINE MCPHEE! omg so cool. if she decided to be a nanny she'd be nanny mcphee. hawhawhaw you know who i like? lisa tucker and kevin:D i think kevin rocked today, he sang part time lovers and i'm so in love with that song right now:D haha and simon cowell was so funny, he said bucky's hair looked like jessica simpson's hahahah. and i think paula abdul's a lil fake. you and me, part time lovers. Tuesday, March 14, 2006
spice girls- let love lead the wayWhat makes this world go round Will the answer let her down She is so sweet and young And her life has just begun What does her future hold that's the story left unknown Will she make it through her days, let our love lead the way (chorus) Part of me laughs (ooooh) Part of me cries Part of me wants to question why (question why) Why is there joy And why is there pain (ooh) Why is there sunshine and the rain One day you're here Next you are gone No matter what we must go on Just keep the faith And let love lead the way Everthing will work out fine If you let love, love lead the way Sitting there all alone In the window of her room Watching the world go by Brings tears to her eyes All she sees is hurt and pain, she wants to break the chain She'll keep pressing everyday and she'll find her own sweet way -->chorus You can be all that and still can be who you are You gotta know for sure that it isn't make believe You may feel weak but you are strong Don't you give up If you keep holding on, you'll never be wrong Just close your eyes cause it lies deep in your heart, yeah -->chorus Everthing will work out fine If you let love, love lead the way Love lead the way Sunday, March 12, 2006
hello all. i changed my skin okay, because of this stupid person, guess who! haha.devi: change your blogskin!! devi: it is so old!! me: i like it(: me: hahaha me: some other day man me: hehe but this blogskin is so nice devi: i'm sick n tired of it..hahaz.. well thanks a lot devi. haha. oh yeah people cheers cus the holidays are here! hahahah:D even though its only one lousy miserable week but hey, better than nothing right. oh who wants to hear about the freaky gross incident on friday. hahah. so after sch me huiting priyanka and nora went to look for mrs logan and there's this sec 4 person standing there while we talked to her about the science fair thing. and she was doing all sorts of spastic things okay. yeah then nora left for guides and the sec 4 girl became all gross and stuff. GUESS WHAT SHE SAID! I THINK SHE'S A FREAKING $^*^&$(# PSYCHO. she said she wanted nora's number and NORA'S BODY IS SO DESIRABLE and she went on and on about nora. omg and she said all that in front of mrs logan okay! and then mrs logan was staring at her with a lil bit of disgust and she was like 'dont creep people out sarah.' oh yeah and she saw the date on our proposal and she was like 'february 14th- we were meant to be.' we were so freaking grossed out. WHAT A LESBIAN. went to isabelle's house at night cus it was her birthday on 7th march happy belated birthday isabelle:D. haha yeah the road near her house is really hard to cross haha. anyway it was so funny aileen and me were wearing the same op slippers but mine was pink and hers was brown and when we reached is's house there was a pair of blue op slippers there. hahaha. anyway yeah joella is pretty much still as hyper as everrrrrr. lmao. went compass point yesterday with sinyee haha. oh and watched the spirits within at night gray shouldnt have died. :( anyway. okay. happy holidays! hahahha. Friday, March 03, 2006
I MISS HOMEEEE.obs was one hell of a experience, it was all worth it. i think 5 days out there can really change a person, right now i'm feeling older, more mature:D hahaha. my watch's damn nice okay:D but above everything obs was damn fun. but duh it was tiring too. like carrying dozens of kayaks to the beach, that was damn tiring. i think the first day was pretty bad! hahah. we got stuck in the mud cus the water was like really really low tide, and many of us got cuts. i'm like really lucky, i don't have any. hohoho. aft that we learnt how to pitch tents, and i'm so proud i know how to pitch a tent all by myself! ahahaha. we had to cook our own dinner and it was pretty average, like the rice was hard, and there was only canned food. but when you're out there hungry, you don't really care what you eat as long as there's food. the second day was scary ahha. we did the capsizing and rescueing drill ahha damn scary for me. i kept imagining there was some jellyfish behind me when i was in the water hahaha. and the rescueing thing sucked! we couldnt even lift the kayak onto ours. lmao, i was like quite pissed there. then joey and li en had to help us, they were so damn funny. we did belaying after that which wasnt that scary cus its not high. after that we trekked to the next camp and our shoulders and backs were so tired. hahah i was the watch ic for the third day! yay. lynette went home cus she was homesick. so pissed please. >:( anyway we did rock climbing hahaha i was hanging up there lah!! but i managed to for like 3/4 of the wall! clap please! :D it's like such a great acheivement for someone who's scared of heights! hahahaa. then we had sea expedition wahlao that was quite sucky. we kayaked for around 2 to 3 hours omg. okay but wasnt as long as i expected, cus they told us we were going to kayak for around 5 hours. so it was like quite surprising when we reached the camp like so fast. haha and we had no toilets! lol. so we had to pee in the open. we cooked dinner at around 8. it was like all dark hahah. and dinner was SO FILLING please! we cooked so much maggiemee we had to dump all the excess into the sea. lol. yesterday was funfunfun. i mean the quarry part! the quarry was damn nice. we had to build the raft first and a barrel came out first when we launched it into the quarry and then it all started falling apart. awww. so we had to dismantle it and put it all back into the store. and then we had 10 minutes more to jump into the quarry again(: it was so relaxing, just floating there in your lifevest. haha but we had to change in the open after that. and then we trekked all the way back to the original camp. was like damn tired but still had to do up the store. and it was the last night in obs! (: today was slack! haha. we autographed each other's books and cleaned up the toilet, and saw a stick insect ahhaha. it seriously looks like a stick. lmao. and i bought a obs shirt(: haha i miss my bonnie no. 2 and 3! :( overall i think obs was a really good experience. and its not as bad as i thought it was haha. and today was so pissing stupid huiting she told me to wait for her at the lobby today, and i waited and waited and she wasnt there. >:( how annoying. |